JaMaiCa TraVeL vLoG!! a LoVeRs TriP tO MoNTegO BaY AiRPoRT!!


Very sad emotional day today even though love in the air. I’m a rastaman living alone off grid in the hills, mountain or forest of jamaica. Living a simple self sustainable and self sufficient lifestyle in a tiny tree house cabin off the grid.

Jamaica travel vlog!! a lovers trip to montego bay airport!! In this episode I give the teachings of Rastafari EMPEROR HAILE SELASSIE I. Some couples travel for tropical getaway, travel experiences, couples getaway or even to make travel videos. However My girlfriend and i travel to explore Jamaica which has come to an end. Come along on this vacation vlog/airport adventure or adventure travel where we will be traveling to montego bay airport which is our travel destination. We have no travel tips or travel guide but ourselves. A Beach vacation is what some would call this trip but its a sad goodbye for us. Caribbean travel is the best. i also give a glimpse of how I live alone off grid. anyone planning to live alone off the grid should know how to plant your own food (FARM),how to make money and how to build. Off grid life is the best exploring nature

Building a place to uplift, motivate, inspire, aid and teach all of whom I can aid and teach, so if you like the movements please support the movements thanks.

PaYPaL – dgAnJaH
CaSh aPP $ RaSdgAnJaH
ZeLLe – [email protected]
GrATeFuL, tHanKfUL & HuMbLeD
dO wHaT JaH LoVe ❤️💛💚

THanK You aLL FoR YoUr LoVe, sUppoRt, sPonSorS, CoNtriBuTioNs & DOnATioNs.

Link uP @dganjah_toursja (Instagram) FoR aN aWeSoMe AdVeNtUrE tO aiD iN tHis DeVeLoPMeNt oR FeeL FrEE tO DoNaTe & CoNtRiBuTe nO MaTTeR HoW sMaLL tHe aMouNt iS

HaiL tO tHe LoRDs aNoiNTeD E.A.B.I.C (BoBo sHanTY)

MuSiC bY @joshuaodinemusic (Instagram @yoshuavibe) BeauTy

#emotionalday #verysad #jamaica #montegobay #Lovers #love #couple #travel #airport #travelvlog #rastaman #rastafari #dganjatours #offgrid #trip

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